Amiga Games: Greatest Hits 1996
Amiga Games: Greatest Hits 1996.iso
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Shooter Document
Welcome to the Shooter Program!
Shooter was written by Samuel Bowers for Samsof Software.
****** Introduction ******
Shooter is a simple little shoot 'em up type program that I wrote for the
Amiga 1200 computer. Being as Shooter makes use of the AGA chipset I am
afraid that it will not run on anything less than an Amiga 1200. My setup
consists of an Amiga 1200 with an 80Mb 2.5" IDE hard drive (with three
partitions), a Hewlett Packard inkjet printer, a video digitiser and a Titan
modem. I do not currently have any fastmem connected to my Amiga. All I
can say for certain is that Shooter runs perfectly on the above system, but I
cannot guarantee that it will run on your system, therefore please let me
know what sort of setup you have, and how well my programs run on your
****** Installing Shooter ******
If you are using a floppy disk, then Shooter can run direct from the disk.
If you are using the demo version of Shooter then you may copy the disk as
many times as you like, and give the program to as many people as you can
find (just don't charge more than a nominal fee -to cover your own costs- for
If you are using the registered version, then you may ONLY make A SINGLE
backup copy for your own use. You may not supply the registered version of
this program to anyone else for any reason whatsoever.
If you wish to install Shooter to your hard drive, then simply boot your drive
up as usual and when the Workbench appears insert the disk that Shooter
came on. When the disk's icon appears drag this icon into whichever drawer
you wish Shooter to permanently live in.
If you obtained this software via the internet then you will need the Lha
archiver in order to decompress this software. When this is done, if you wish
to install shooter to a hard drive, just drag all relevant icons into the drawer
that you wish Shooter to permanently live in, remembering to include the
documents, or the program won't work. If you wish to install shooter to a
floppy drive then just drag all the Shooter icons into the floppy's window,
exactly as they appear when decompressed. In other words do not put
anything into another drawer or otherwise alter the configuration.
****** How it works ******
If you are running Shooter from floppy disk, then simply insert the disk into
the internal disk drive and turn the computer on. Shooter should load
If you are running Shooter from a hard drive, then boot up your drive as
normal, select the drawer that Shooter lives in, and double click on it's icon.
Shooter should then load itself up.
Let's see how the program itself works now.
The first screen to appear (the welcome screen) contains a welcome message
in the upper left hand corner, welcoming you to the program. Under this is
some information about what to do and which keys to use. You can use either
the joystick or the keyboard to play Shooter. If you use the joystick, certain
functions (such as pause and end) can only be accessed via the keyboard.
Which keys these are should be obvious. The rule is that whichever keys do
not control physical movement are accessible only via the keyboard.
If you are using the demo version then the next paragraph will not be
applicable to you as these features are disabled on your version, however if
you are a registered user then read on. In the upper right hand corner of the
screen you can select how easy or difficult you wish the game to be, by
selecting how many lives you want to start with, how fast you want your ship
to be and how fast you want the alien to be moving. These are all selected by
using a slider bar, -with it's current value displayed to it's right- for each
feature you wish to alter. With both the ship and alien settings, the lower the
number, the slower the ship. The ship has minimum setting of 3 and if you
set the alien to 0 then it will not move until you go up a level (unless,
during play, you hit the bar under the box entitled `+alien speed`.
Below these selections you can select a password if you know one. When you
reach levels 10,20,30,40 and 50 you will be given a password. Write this down
and when you play next just enter this password into the welcome screen and
you will begin play at the last multiple of ten level that you got to last time.
And now for the interesting part.
The first person to reach level 51 and let me know about it will win £15.00. To
prove that you have reached there just let me know what the little rhyme that
is given at level 51 is and if you are the first registered person to tell me,
then you win that lovely lolly! In order to win, you MUST be a registered
user. If you have sent me the correct rhyme, but you don't hear back from me
within 28 days, then I'm afraid somebody else beat you to it and you haven't
****** The Demo Version ******
If you are using the demo version of Shooter, then read on. Your version has
the difficulty selections on the welcome screen as well as the password
facility disabled. Also you can only play the first 4 levels of the game. The
registered version has 50 levels. You also cannot win the £15.00 prize unless
you register. So, the faster you register and start playing, the greater your
chances of winning.
****** Playing the Game ******
So far as playing the actual game is concerned, this is very easy. All have to
do is use your left and right controls to move your ship (which is at the
bottom of the screen), and shoot at the target, while avoiding the targets
bullets. If your ship makes contact with the targets bullet you lose a life, so
be careful! You will also notice that along the top of the play area there is
a row of alternately coloured blue and red boxes with writing in them. There
is also a red bar which jumps first under one box then under another. If you
can shoot this bar, then whichever box it is under at the time, will determine
what happens. For instance, if the bar is under the box which says `+ alien
speed` when your bullet hits it, then the alien will go a little faster. Check
to see what each box does, and if you want a particular feature, then wait
until the bar is under the box that does that feature, and shoot at it. Do not
shoot at the box when the bar is not underneath it, as you will then gain a
`miss`. If you accumulate ten misses then you go down a level. If on the
other hand, you accumulate ten `hits` the you go up a level. One of the
things along the very top of the display is information on `hits` and
`misses`. These do not show the number of hits and misses that you
have had, but rather show the number of hits and misses to go before you
either go up or down a level. The rest is very straightforward and doesn't
need me getting typer's cramp to explain them here!
****** Registering for the full version ******
If you are using the demo version of this program, then you will no doubt
wish to register for the full version as soon as possible. To do this just send
me a cheque or postal order for £10.00 (made payable to S. Bowers) along
with a covering letter telling me which program you wish to receive. (I have
written several, so it is imperative that I know which one you want)! Please
do include your full name and address in the covering letter. I will do my
very best to send the program out within 24 hours of receiving a postal order
and 4 days of receiving a cheque (to allow for clearance). In the extremely
unlikely event of non-delivery of your program, please allow up to 28 days
from your original order before contacting me. Thank you.
If you prefer you can send me a stamped addressed jiffy bag along with a
blank disk and covering letter, and then you only need pay £8.50.
You can send your order, along with payment by cheque or postal order to:
Samuel Bowers
Samsof Software
PO Box 11
NR34 9JS
I can be E-Mailed at: sambowers@thenet.co.uk
The above addresses can also be used for any and all correspondence,
donations, bug reports, praise, criticism etc.
I cannot recommend that you send cash through the post, but if you do and it
gets lost, I cannot be held responsible.
****** Known bugs ******
The only bug that I am aware of in this program is that occasionally the
alien's bullet will not be wiped properly from the screen when it ceases to
exist. If this happens a few times, the screen can quickly get cluttered. I
tried and tried over and over again to get rid of this, but I just couldn't
seem to work it out, so I put a function in where you just press the `d` key on
the keyboard and this will refresh the screen. I know this is not a perfect
solution, but until I can find the problem, it's all that I can do. If you
discover any other bugs, please let me know.
****** Program History ******
This is the first version of this program, so there is no history to be
reported. If you think the program could be improved upon and that I should
make a better version then please let me know. I would welcome any ideas
that you may have.
****** Thank You ******
I would like to thank Jonathan Potter who lives in Australia for writing the
`Fullview' program which I have used to display these documents and
especially for his allowing anyone to use his program.
I would also like to thank you for using this software and for buying the
registered version (if you haven't already then I'm sure you intend to). It is
a fact that registered users are VERY important to me, because if it wasn't for
them, there would be no point in my writing software.
****** Copyright notice ******
All programs written by me are copyrighted to Samsof Software (which is my
trade name). This includes all freely-distributable software (full programs as
well as demo versions).
In the case of freely-distributable software, I hereby give you permission to
copy the software as much as you like and spread it like the leaves of autumn
provided that you leave all files (including documents) where you found them
and do not alter any part of my programs.
In the case of registered software, you may only make a single back-up copy
for your own use only. All registered programs are encoded with the licensed
user's name and address before being despatched (this may not always be
obvious in the program), so if you start spreading your licensed version
around YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT. So the message is DON'T DO IT.
****** Disclaimer ******
Although I do everything in my power to ensure that my programs run
properly and without causing damage, I cannot be held responsible for any
damage caused by anyone using, misusing or anyone's inability to use my
This includes viruses, although I do make every effort to ensure that viruses
do not occur on any disk sent out by me.
Thank you for taking the time to read these documents.